New Era Church has more than 40 areas of ministry available for you to serve on after completing our new members’ curriculum New Era University. In addition to growing and giving, we believe it is every members purpose to serve in at least one ministry.

SON Shiners Children's Ministry
Teaching Children to:
BELONG to His Family
OBEY His Word
TELL others about HIM
CARE for one another!
The SON Shiners Children’s Ministry at New Era Church exists to complement the family as it lays a spiritual foundation that, in God’s timing, will lead a child into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help parents grow, nurture and mature their children spiritually so that they become like Christ.
The Ignite Show is a teen summit of students ages 13-18 to talk about the world issues but with a Biblical foundation. Students have the opportunity to state their opinion and express their feelings on how they feel students should handle major decisions. We encourage all students to take advantage of the fellowship, food, and fun.
Ignite meets every Sunday at 10am

The "CREW"
Who is God’s CREW? (Christians Realizing Everlasting Witness)
The CREW is any unmarried or married young adult, between ages 21 and 39. If this is you, then you are already part of the CREW… we are just waiting to connect with you!
Women Of Worth (WOW)
Our goal is to minister to women from all walks of life and help women reach new levels of spiritual maturity and awareness.
If you are a woman, you are a member of the Women of Worth Women’s Ministry at New Era Church!

Before You Say "I Do"
Our Before You Say “I Do” classes prepare couples for marriage and develop a solid Biblical foundation for the family.
Devoted Couples
Devoted Couples Ministry is designed for couples to enrich each other socially and scripturally.

Silver Crowns
Silver Crowns Ministry are for the seasoned saints, also seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper.
Kingdom Men Movement
Kingdom Men encourages men of all ages to grow together.

College Connection
College Connection focuses on the issues and challenges of the normal College age individual. The transition from High School to adulthood may sometimes be challenging, but we work together through it all.
Volunteer Groups
Please feel free to contact us about any other ministry you may have interest in or would like more information about.